Filipinos to Gain Visa-Free Entry to Korea in 2020 - True or False?


Hold your excitement!

In early December of 2019, several blog sites came up with articles on South Korea granting visa free entry to several Southeast Asian countries that include the Philippines. It was eventually picked up by big online news outlets and reached more Pinoy hopefuls to Korea.

However, search for official announcements from Korean offices mentioned and the Korean embassy in Manila did not fully confirm the news and left us wondering whether it was fake news (it was not, but there are caveats).

The latest visa announcement from the embassy finally gave us the official confirmation of such program. BUT, probably less than 5% of Pinoy tourists with South Korea on their bucket list would be able to avail of the program. The rest would have to go thru the usual process of applying for their travel visa. Read this article on the challenges of obtaining a korean visa.

The visa-free program that has been spreading like wildfire has these very important requirements:

1. The final destination should be Jeju Island
2. It only applies to group tourists
3. Individual or independent travellers are NOT eligible

Below is the screenshot of the updated visa announcement of the Korean Embassy.

Screen Shot 2019-12-27 at 11.20.57 AM.png

Yes, you could still visit Korea without the hassle of applying for a visa, only if you include Jeju in your travel (it’s actually a nice….but a more expensive place), you have more time, and you don’t really care how much you need to spend. Plus, you don’t have the freedom to go on your own and will have to join a group tour.

A short note - entry to Jeju Island has been visa-free for many years now. But you cannot go out of the island and visit other places in Korea.

Further, it’s a test period for the first half of 2020. Who knows, the Korean government might realize that it would be more practical to lift most of the requirements and allow more Filipinos the opportunity to visit their country without the hardship and stress of applying for and waiting for their visas? Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

If you still plan to avail of this program but the number of days is your concern, then we suggest that instead of landing in Seoul, you go direct to Busan (it’s like the Cebu of the Philippines). Explore the many attractions and dining places of Busan, then go on your way to Jeju.

We will continue watching out for updates and pass them on to you.


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Complete List of Accredited Travel Agencies by the Korean Embassy (as of Dec 2019)