Ayala Triangle - Calm Nature in The Busy City

In this super dense and busy urban city in the Philippines, there are some rare spots where you can enjoy the natural environment. Well, what may seem like a natural place in a concrete jungle. If you have the chance, try to spend some time to visit and enjoy the greenery of Ayala Triangle in Makati City.

Here, you will find flora that you may have never seen in your entire life, that is if you didn’t make any effort to visit the forests in the tropics.

Huge, indigenous trees primarily represented by rainbow eucalyptus or Bagras in native term, scatter in this more than one hectare of open space in the middle of the ultra modern urban and business territory. As with its name, rainbow tree, the trunknof the bagras come in different hues of vibrant colors which is very rare in the natural world.

There are also large, trees with wide canopies that provide refreshing shelter from the usual heat. And there would be stray cats that enjoy the their freedom in the area.

There are also cafes and restaurant you can easily go to for some nutrition or to simple soak this place while you’re confortably seated inside an airconditioned diner or stationed alfresco in a cool afternoon..

Another good thing about this place is that the management tolerates people who enjoy spending their time in the greens and it even allocated spots for maximun tiktok videos. I just don’t know if they also allow people bringing professional cameras with tripods. It is unfortunately the practice in many areas in Manila (even in public spaces!) for the guards to prevent people from using professional cameras without securing first permits and paying for them.

But if you use your cell phone camera, you should be perfectly fine and full enjoy what the open nature of Ayala Triangle can offer.


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