The 360 Camera is a Game Changer in Travel

When I finally decided to get a 360 degree camera, I took some shots in Namsan Tower in Seoul. When I saw the photos, I exclaimed, woaahh!!

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It was so surreal that I can finally take a photo of everything, even behind me, with no need for ultra wide lens and even those new phone cameras. They simply could not compare to the see-all capability of a 360 degree camera like the one I bought, Insta 360 One X.

By its name, the dual camera lens covers the entire 360 vision of the entire place where you take a shot or a video. You can then choose to select only a part of the photo or save it as a 360 degree file.

Take a look at some more of these photos.

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The camera that can shoot 360.

The camera that can shoot 360.

What made the camera personally more awesome and very useful to me as a shy photographer is that I can finally take photos and even videos and people won’t notice it. Because it doesn’t look like a camera. It’s just a bit odd that they would see someone holding a selfie stick with that strange device at the end. So as I walked along the busy streets filled with people, probably one in 50 would take a quick glance at the camera, then go on their own business. It was a huge game changer for me! Below is a short clip of a video I made.

Would I recommend a 360 camera for travellers? Absolutely! It’s so tiny, you can edit using your phone (just download the app), you can come up with crazy amounts of photo angles, even the used to be impossible ones. But the best one for me is that it doesn’t even look like a camera.

I checked the camera’s website and found some better deals than when I bought mine. You can check HERE.


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