Discovering the El Nido Big Lagoon in Palawan

I. Introduction

Big Lagoon, located on the east side of Miniloc Island in El Nido, Palawan, is a sight to behold. This natural wonder is a must-visit for anyone traveling to the Philippines. The lagoon is accessible via a narrow and shallow entrance channel that leads you into a vast expanse surrounded by towering limestone cliffs.

II. The Experience

The Big Lagoon offers a unique experience that combines the thrill of adventure with the serenity of nature. As you paddle your kayak through the clear, crystal waters, you'll be greeted by the breathtaking sight of the limestone cliffs that surround the lagoon. Swimming in the lagoon is also a popular activity, with the calm, clear waters providing a safe and enjoyable experience. For the more adventurous, exploring the nooks and crannies of the lagoon can lead to some truly memorable discoveries.

III. Island Hopping Tours

To fully experience the beauty of El Nido, consider joining an island hopping tour. These tours, labeled A, B, C, and D, each offer a unique itinerary that includes various attractions around El Nido. Tour A, for example, includes a visit to the Big and Small Lagoons at Miniloc Island, Shimizu Island, and a snorkeling session at Seven Commando Beach. The cost for these tours is quite reasonable, with prices starting at just $18 USD. You can book your Big Lagoon tour here.

IV. Tips and Recommendations

To make the most of your visit to the Big Lagoon, consider renting a kayak. This will allow you to explore the lagoon at your own pace and discover its hidden corners. Remember, the tour boat will only stay for about an hour, so make sure to make the most of your time in the lagoon. Also, don't forget to just take a moment to float in the entrance channel and appreciate the natural beauty around you.

V. Accommodation Options

El Nido offers a good range of accommodation options to suit different budgets and preferences. It all depends on your travel budget. From the value-for-money Spin Designer Hostel located in the bustling town of El Nido, to the luxurious Las Cabanas Beach Resort situated perfectly on the shore of Las Cabanas beach, you're sure to find a place that feels like home.

VI. Conclusion

The Big Lagoon in El Nido is a destination that promises an unforgettable experience. Whether you're an adventure seeker looking to explore, or someone who simply wants to bask in the beauty of nature, the Big Lagoon has something to offer. So why wait? Start planning your trip to this amazing destination today!


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