Korea's Central Park in Incheon

Aside from serving as the major gateway to Korea, the city of Incheon has a good number of interesting places to spend a good amount of time. One of the major sites is the Central Park in the business district of Songdong.


The Central Park has a hugeman-made lake that serves as a scenic element of the city, as well as a major activity hub for many locals and visitors seeking some water activities such as boating and kayaking.


One should have a good amount of time to fully enjoy the park, walk alomng its trails and gardens, including bridges. There’s also a fish spa on one end!


On one end is this huge public art.

I tried exploring the entire park in two hours, but it wasn’t enough. If you’re planning to visit this place, allot about 4 hours, and if possible, extend to towards the evening for some good night photography.

Lucky for you if you stay in Incheon, you can grab a bus, a subway or a taxi to reach the site. If you’re coming from Seoul, it takes about 1.5 hours by bus (or combined with subway).

Should it be visited by Pinoy tourists? Uhmmm…. yes, but probably on your repeat visit to Korea, coz you may have to allot an entire day to visit the site. But hey….. near the park is a huge outlet store (called Hyundai) you can use as a good excuse to explore Incheon.


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