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Discovering the Mystique of Barracuda Lake

Introduction to Barracuda Lake

There was a time when the people of Coron regarded Barracuda Lake as an enchanted place, with that huge kind of fish roaming around the deep waters that is protected by tall and sharp limestone walls. But time has a way to soften the beliefs and sometimes, make such areas more appealing to discovery.

Barracuda Lake, located on Coron Island (let’s make it clear - there is Coron Island in the municipality of Coron) in the province of Palawan, Philippines, is a unique and fascinating natural wonder. Known for its stunning beauty and intriguing underwater features, it's a must-visit for any adventurous traveler. The lake, named after the large barracuda fish that inhabit its waters, is a popular spot for diving and snorkeling. scuba divers used to haul their heavy equipment over jagged limestone walls just to reach the lake. Its unique feature is the layers of fresh and salt water, and the dramatic temperature shifts that divers can experience as they descend.

The Beauty of Barracuda Lake

The allure of Barracuda Lake lies in its serene, almost otherworldly beauty. Surrounded by towering limestone cliffs and lush vegetation, the lake presents a picture of untouched nature. The clear, blue-green waters are calm and inviting, offering a tranquil setting for relaxation and reflection.

But the real magic of Barracuda Lake lies beneath the surface. The lake is known for its unique thermocline - a phenomenon where the water temperature changes dramatically at different depths. Divers can experience warm tropical waters at the surface, and cooler, almost tepid waters as they descend. This is due to the mix of fresh and salt water in the lake, creating a unique underwater environment.

The underwater landscape is equally fascinating, with large, jagged limestone formations that create an almost lunar-like terrain. It's a surreal experience to swim among these structures, adding to the mystique of Barracuda Lake.

Activities and Attractions

Barracuda Lake is a haven for divers and snorkelers. The unique underwater environment offers a fascinating exploration opportunity. The dramatic temperature shifts and the unusual underwater terrain make for a unique diving experience.

But even if you're not a diver, Barracuda Lake has plenty to offer. The surrounding area is perfect for hiking and exploring. The views from the cliffs around the lake are breathtaking, offering panoramic views of the lake and the surrounding landscape.

Travel Guide

Getting to Barracuda Lake is part of the adventure. It's located on Coron Island, which is accessible by boat. Once on the island, instead of the imposing limestones, now a short hike up a wooden staircase brings you to the lake.

The lake is open for visitors from 8 am to 5 pm. There's an entrance fee, which goes towards the maintenance and preservation of the area. It's recommended to bring your own snorkeling or diving gear, although rentals are available.


Barracuda Lake is a hidden gem in the Philippines. Its unique features and serene beauty make it a must-visit for any traveler. Whether you're a seasoned diver or just looking for a tranquil spot to connect with nature, Barracuda Lake offers an experience unlike any other.